Tuesday 3 July 2007

Volcanoes, Unit Studies and Chatterbox Quizzes

A good friend is visiting from Hawaii. This was an opportune time to begin a unit on volcanoes (the girls expressed interest in this a little while ago). So we used a unit from USGS on Volcanoes and started a lapbook. We haven't dived into the lapbook arena before, but it seemed a nice way of involving hands-on work with study. The girls created a card folder and designed a pop-up volcano. Then we wrangled an interesting fold-over with the 3 types of volcano inside. The girls had to memorize the 3 types, and this became their password before they were allowed to come out to dinner last night. Our hosts are the world's foremeost experts on birds of paradise and bowerbirds.

Today we watched Attenborough's "Attenborough in Paradise" at the girls' request (which is based on the research by our friends). When we played outside, Baby No.1 made a "chatterbox" for me. It's a paper folded thingy that we used to make in school, and mummy had long forgotten how to make one so she looked it up on the internet (yay!). I was presented with the blank chatterbox expectantly. Apparently, I had to fill it in and make it work. After a small amount of thought, I put in quizzes for the girls to answer, related to Latin words they'd learned, maths facts, chants and drills, and the 3 types of volcano; of course. This proved a great hit. Usually, Baby No.1 meets standard "lessons" with resentment, but this was different entirely. I included quizzes for Baby No.2. Will endeavour to do this every day or so—why didn't I think of this before??? The girls then raced each other to and from the house to the cubby, whilst answering their quizzes. Good fun had by all.

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